28 Jan Workshop in Pietrasanta 2019

Photo: Eli Benveniste
I travelled to Pietrasanta for my second workshop at artist Eli Benveniste in October 2019 and was beyond happy to be working in this magical studio again. The environment in itself is so inspiring, and Eli’s kind guidance, as always, gave new angles on my way of sculpting.
Pietrasanta is also a city you easily fall in love with and never tire of. It oozes creative energy and more or less everywhere in the city you see examples of the craft this town is so known for. I took it all in on my daily bike rides back and forth to Eli’s studio from the convent where I stayed.

Photo: Pia Hutters
You sense the creative atmosphere even before entering Eli’s studio. A large wall relief by the door along with tons of leftover marble pieces tell the story that we are in an artistic city, and in the heart of Carrara country.

Photo: Pia Obel
Inside Eli’s studio, creativity is buzzing.

Photo: Pia Hutters
It always feels great opening 10 kilos of fresh clay. So pure and soft to the touch.

Photo: Pia Hutters
Eli has on previous workshops made us question the significance of the motif, by showing us that any motif can be used. It is the way we model that is crucial to the outcome. Working from that thesis, I choose a leftover marble sculpture to work with as my first motif.

Photo: Riccardo Benassi
The result of my first round of sculpting inspired by the surroundings.

Photo: Pia Hutters
I became quite happy working with a more abstract expression. Especially this sculpture ’Balancing Act’ turned out really well. I was also fascinated by how light and shadow interact with the sculptural forms.

Photo: Pia Hutters
I also did one of my classical women sculptures, and this time modelled one in motion to give it a slightly different twist.

Photo: Pia Hutters
The feeling of appreciation and being in your element among amazing artwork and artists in Pietrasanta.